What can I say about myself that will capture your attention? The truth? The truth is, I have failed in more ways in life than I can count, and yet I feel myself a resounding success. My bank account is often nearly empty, and yet I feel such fullness in life that a single sentence could never suffice to subscribe. I'm in a country that is not my own, alone more often than I am with friends, and yet my heart is so full of love, I cannot help but pour it out onto the page.

But maybe that's all just true today. Tomorrow I may revel in the melancholy bittersweet of life's journey. I may pour sorrow onto my page instead of joy, may etch my tears into the letters of my keyboard as I cry out in loneliness, may scorn my empty bank account as a symbol of my worth.

And yet, I'll be back again the next day, and the day after that. I'll continue to fill more days with love and light than with that bitter darkness. And I'll share every moment with you and anyone who desires to join me in the voyage.

Life is just a fantasy, and who better to create my fantasy than me?


Modeling Diary: www.patreon.com/jatomique

Life and Nonsense: www.instagram.com/jatomique

Medium member since May 2024
Connect with Jojo Lee
Jojo Lee

A performer, creator, and (often nude) model still trying to find my roots. I about love, relationships, depression, culture, and fanciful things..